In the Covert

We are protected by God. We tend to think of Covert operations as negative. They are shady. They are done secretly. But we find ourselves in the Covert of God’s wing. He covers us in shadow. He hides us under His protective and powerful arm.
	If God is our protector, what can man do to us? If God is our protector, what greater need have we of protection? Even if we do not notice that God is watching over us; even if He works in a covert way, the fact of His watchcare is a source of peace and courage.
	This meal is God’s promise that He is with us always. This meal declares that the blood of Christ covers you fully. This meal declares that Jesus’s bloody body delivered you from bloodguilt and enables you to stand boldly before the Lord rendered righteous. If God is for you, who shall be against you? There is, therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in the covert of Christ’s wings.

Wholly Unblameable

