How to Make it Rain

Is there a famine in your life? Are you hungry for God but unsatisfied with Him, or His people, or your situation? Do you desire to eat the bread of the good life but are at a loss of how to do so? Do you know that Jesus is the bread of life but He seems far away from feeding you?

Do you long to be filled with the wine that gladdens the heart of man? Are you dying of thirst for that wine, the Holy Spirit of promise that was poured out at Pentecost in great abundance, so that men, women and children heard the good news about the great works of God?

Where are you looking for the bread and the wine? How are you trying to relieve your famine? How can you make it rain so that the abundant fruit fills you up, 30, 60 and 100 fold?

The answer is not to look with sidelong glances at the world’s offerings. Or to make new allegiances to the false gods and their promises. The answer is to turn from your sins. Turn to faith in Jesus Christ. Turn aside from your ways and embrace His and He will bring the early and later rains into your life and you will be full.


Joy of Koinonia


Believe the Promises