His Mercy is Great

         The Lord is not slow as some count slowness. He is always on time because He is always on His time. We sometimes think He should act at a different speed or in a different way but through time and steadfastness we find that His ways are always the good ways. It takes faith to believe this when you cannot see it but in time faith gives way to knowledge and we taste and see that the Lord is good.
         It takes a good memory to recount the Lord’s kindness through all circumstances in life, whether in times of great blessing or in times of great want. We are a people of short attention and so we need reminded again and again.
         God, in His mercy, gave us this meal. He gave us the gathering of the saints. He gave us the Communion of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It is no coincidence that He calls us to meet weekly. It is the rare man who can repeatedly miss the gathering of the saints and keep his heart fixed on the Lord. We need each other, and we need this meal that we eat together, to remind us that the Lord’s mercy is great.

God Judges Aright


Truth and Mercy