God Judges Aright

We don’t like the word judge, especially when it refers to God. It brings to mind the idea of judgment of guilt, hellfire and brimstone. We don’t want to stand in front of the judge because we know that He can righteously condemn us as guilty.

         But that is not the right way to view God, our Father, the Supreme Judge. He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. Faithful, because He made promises to us and He keeps His promises. Just, because the penalty of sin, all the guilt and shame, has been shouldered for us by Jesus on the Cross. 

         He renders all who believe in Jesus as righteous. Like Abraham, our faith is reckoned to us, counted towards us, as righteousness. By whom? By God, our Father, the Judge of all men. 

         So, confidently stand before Him. He has made His good judgment and He has justified you through the finished work of Jesus Christ.


A Reward for the Righteous


His Mercy is Great